Llangrove Leapfrogs - Llangrove - welcome to our village

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Llangrove Leapfrogs

For children

Llangrove Leapfrogs - Offsted-registered childcare for children aged 18 months to 11 years

Leapfrogs is a community-
run childcare service, registered with Ofsted and managed by an elected committee of parents. Childcare, including breakfast and lunch options, is available for children from 9months-11 years, on weekdays (excluding bank holidays) between 7.30am - 6pm.

We are based at Llangrove CE Academy where we have our own dedicated classroom and toilets plus a generous outside play area; all of which have been specially designed for young children. We are also able to use the extensive playing fields and wide range of outdoor play equipment at Llangrove CE Academy.

We take full advantage of our peaceful, rural surroundings by taking frequent walks and outings to explore the environment. Through a wide variety of play and exploration, supported by a wealth of equipment and material.

Primary age children can play and access a wide variety of games/activities whilst attending breakfast or after-school clubs. In addition breakfast and a snack tea are provided if required.

Session Times

Monday - Friday: 9am - 12n
12.30pm - 3pm

Extended Hours
Care is available until 6pm.

Stay and Play

Friday 9.15am -11.30am   
£3.50 for the first child and £2 for an additional family child.

Llangrove Leapfrogs childcare

Registered Charity No: 1036545
Leapfrogs is open during school term time and a holiday club operates during school holidays

Email:  hello@llangroveleapfrogs.org.uk
el:  07919 901126 (daytime)   

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